Powr Nutrients

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A great way to make sure you are eating a healthy balanced meal is to ‘eat the rainbow’. This salad is a rainbow in a bowl – lots of colour, lots of nutrients and a flavour punch with fresh ginger. Finishing it off with a sprinkle of Powr Nutrients Freeze-dried + Blended Daikon Radish Seeds gives your dish an extra boost of health benefits. Don’t miss the variations below for some ways to adapt this versatile recipe.


Serves 4

15 ml (1 tbsp) olive oil

15 ml (1 tbsp) soy sauce

10 ml (2 tsp) lemon juice

5 ml (1 tsp) honey or maple syrup

5 ml (1 tsp) finely grated ginger

salt and pepper

¼ red cabbage, finely shredded

1 carrot, peeled and sliced into ribbons with a vegetable peeler

10 sugar snap or mange tout peas, diagonally sliced

¼ cucumber, cut into thin strips

handful of fresh parsley or coriander

handful chopped nuts, like peanuts or cashews

¼ teaspoon (1 scoop/ 0,6 g) Powr Nutrients Freeze-dried + Blended Daikon Radish Seeds per person

1. Mix the oil, soy sauce, lemon juice, honey or maple syrup and ginger. Season to taste. Toss cabbage, carrot, peas, cucumber and herbs in a separate bowl.

2. Spoon salad onto a serving platter. Drizzle with the soy dressing just before serving and sprinkle with nuts. Allow each person to sprinkle their portion with daikon radish seeds.

1. Enjoy the salad as a balanced meal. Add leftover chicken or chickpeas for a portion of protein.

2. Festive slaw: substitute the soy sauce and lemon juice for 20 ml (4 tsp) balsamic vinegar. Leave out the ginger. Use pecan nuts instead of peanuts or cashews and add a small handful of dried cranberries. This will be particularly delicious with gammon on your festive table.

3. Any crunchy salad veggie will be delicious in this recipe. Try radishes, corn, red or yellow pepper or shredded kale. Add sweetness with apple or pineapple. To keep up with demand, we both grow and source our seeds. The seeds we grow on our farm are organic and non-GMO. The seeds we source are the highest quality, non-GMO, open-pollinated seeds from trusted suppliers.

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